Volume 1, Issue 2 (November 2022)                   Health Science Monitor 2022, 1(2): 107-108 | Back to browse issues page

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Marzban A, Marzban A, Emami P. Does Ganoderma lucidum reduce obesity?. Health Science Monitor 2022; 1 (2) :107-108
URL: http://hsm.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-46-en.html
Department of Emergency Medical Sciences, School of Paramedical Sciences, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
Abstract:   (2890 Views)
Dear Editor:
Appetite is regulated in humans through the interaction between the central nervous system and peripheral hormones. This process involves a delicate balance in external stimuli, circulating satiating and appetite-stimulating hormones, and correct functioning of neuronal signals. Any changes in this equilibrium can cause an imbalance in energy intake versus expenditure, often leading to overeating and potential weight gain resulting in overweight or obesity (1).
Drug therapies with some antibiotics and prebiotics have been used to manage obesity and related metabolic disorders, but to no avail. Fungi are important because of their high fiber. One of the most intriguing medicinal mushrooms is the Basidiomycete fungus Ganoderma lucidum, which has been utilized for centuries to promote health and longevity. Ganoderma lucidum can be employed for weight loss and fitness with regular consumption. It is one of the most amazing and miraculous fungi found in nature in different colors, such as red, white, and bright yellow. Ganoderma fungi have different species, each of which is suitable for specific conditions. This fungus is among the most effective herbal medicines applied in traditional Chinese medicine and is still considered by countless people. Ganoderma is a herbal medicine used to bring health and well-being (2). Ganoderma contains active compounds that affect the body's metabolism. By increasing metabolism, more energy is consumed, preventing fat accumulation and obesity. When metabolism increases to a desired extent, it will lead to weight loss. Ganoderma allows more oxygen to be delivered to the body's cells through the blood, thereby elevating metabolism in the body (3).
According to recent research on Ganoderma extract, researchers have found that Ganoderma is very effective in those on a high-fat diet, helping to lose weight and fat, reducing inflammation, promoting good gut bacteria, and reducing the risk of insulin resistance. As an example, people with autoimmune diseases such as lupus become obese and overweight after a while due to the use of hormones. In this case, consuming Ganoderma fungus helps the patient takes less medicine by strengthening and regulating the immune system, leading to weight loss (4). Kidney failure, heart disease, and heart problems cause excess water to build up in the body. In this situation, consuming Ganoderma fungus and improving the disease can help the patient lose weight by removing excess water from the body (5).
Ganoderma lucidum has little effect on the weight of those who follow a normal diet. Therefore, it cannot be considered specifically as a weight loss drug. However, if the diet is improper, or obesity is due to chemical drugs, Ganoderma can be fully trusted in this regard. Even if a person does not have a specific complication, Ganoderma can be very effective in weight loss along with other factors, such as diet and exercise, by strengthening the immune system and improving metabolism.
Full-Text [PDF 217 kb]   (802 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Letter to Editor | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/07/1 | Accepted: 2022/08/23 | Published: 2022/11/19

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